This self-paced course covers the basic principles of Active Learning, an approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen of Denmark. This approach is used to provide instruction to individuals with visual impairments and DeafBlindness who are developmentally below the age of 48 months no matter what their chronological age. Many of these learners have, in addition to visual impairments, significant physical, cognitive and emotional delays.
The Active Learning approach emphasizes that all individuals learn best by active participation. In the earliest stages of learning (sensorimotor and early preoperational stages) it is this active participation which actually “wires the brains” of all human learners.
This course includes content from the Active Learning Space website ( which is a collaborative project developed by Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Perkins School for the Blind, and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
This course contains the following content areas:
• Overview of Active Learning
• What Is Play?
• Pathways to Learning
• Dynamic Learning Circle
• Emotional Development
• Key Points of Active Learning
• Five Phases of Educational Treatment: Offering, Imitation, Interaction, Sharing the Work, & Consequences
NOTE: Completion of this course will provide you with 12 CEU credits approved through ACVREP and SBEC. You must pass the course assessment with a grade of 80% or better to receive these credits.