As professionals in the field of DeafBlindness, how do we balance working within our current
systems while developing a sense of collaboration, confidence, curiosity, trust, respect, and
listening? How do we measure the effects that genuine conversation can have? Questions of,
how we help our children and students live happier lives, have joyful interactions, and develop
close and trusted bonds with their caregivers and teachers will be explored. Within the context
of our day, Barbara hopes to impart a compass for why we teach.
Barbara Miles is a national and international consultant in the field of Deafblindness,
and author (with Marianne Riggio) of “Remarkable Conversations; A guide to
developing meaningful communication with children and adolescents with
deafblindness”. Barbara is one of the pre-eminent leaders in the field of DeafBlindness,
and has worked with children and adults across America and throughout the world. She
has won many awards for her work including a Distinguished Service Award, from
DeafBlind International. An author of many articles, her most recent video collaboration,
“The Landscape of Touch”, should be considered crucial viewing for anyone who
interacts with a person with DeafBlindness.