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Session Detail

TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Trauma and the Brain
Hosted via Zoom on May 16, 2024

TSBVI Outreach Tech Tea Time is a weekly one-hour gathering for individuals working with students with visual impairment including blindness who use various technologies to access their daily curriculum. We will share new and exciting devices and advancements, helpful tips, tricks, and innovative lesson ideas for teaching our students. While building a robust community of practice for assistive technology support.

Objectives: The objectives for the weekly sessions are to gather support and meet the needs of students through sharing lessons, ideas, new advancements, and troubleshooting.

Notice: Tech Tea Time is an interactive session where registrants are encouraged to converse and participate with others. Be advised that this session will be recorded and posted for later viewing in our website. By registering for this session, you hereby grant TSBVI Outreach permission to publish the contents of this recording; which may include image and audio of you the registrant.

Important Session Information:

A link to the Zoom session will be included in your confirmation, upon completing your registration. When entering the zoom session be sure to sign in with your first name, last name, and email address. This will help us mark attendance.

After the session, once you are marked attended, you will receive an email notification to take our online evaluation. A session code will be given to you at the end of the training. You will need to provide this code when taking the evaluation to obtain CEU credit.

TIME ZONE NOTICE: All webinar times reflect Central Time.

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(1) CEU
Seats Filled:
103 / 300
Contact Person:
Donna Clemens
Donna Clemens
Date Time Location
5/16/2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Zoom
TSBVI Outreach Programs | 512-206-9268
1100 W 45th St Austin, TX 78756 | 512-454-8631 | Map
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